Digital Makers Logo

We create meaningful digital experiences

We can help you to simplify complex digital challenges. We consult and help you with your digital transformation, create impressive websites or craft your digital visual experience.

Digitalmakers - Working office


A strong digital strategy is essential for the success of any digital product. We develop a clear and actionable plan to bring your digital solution to life, carefully considering the human, business, and technical aspects.

We specialize in enhancing business processes and solve complex challenges. Starting with listening to what your key users truly need, we define a digital strategy and validate concepts. By collaborating closely with your organization, we ensure that we identify which challenges to solve and define a actionable and lean approach to deliver an exceptional customer experience that meets your users specific needs.

We can deliver both on the strategical side of your digital products as well as hosting workshops and interviews with users and stakeholder to deliver a product vision and detailed scope. Acting as your personal Product Owner / Business Analyst we ensure your project runs as smoothly as possible and keeping everyone involved informed.


Product Strategy
User Research
Customer Journeys
Business Analyses
Project Management
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Web experiences

Everything begins with the user experience. We prioritize understanding the true needs of the end user to create an optimal user experience.

We craft unique and modern web experiences that captivate and engage your visitors. Visually appealing user interfaces, enhanced with micro animations and interactions, to ensure every click and scroll offers a delightful and memorable experience.

We begin our process with engaging workshops to gather valuable insights from users and stakeholders. This step is essential for creating a seamless interaction between your brand, product, and users. Our goal is to ensure intuitive navigation and optimal usability, making it easy for users to find exactly what they need.

Digitalmakers - Robin Busch

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We build everything using the modern technology of Webflow, a state-of-the-art platform that combines the flexibility of hand-written code with the simplicity of a visual editor. Webflow streamlines the website development process, offers an easy-to-use CMS for administrators, and generates clean, structured code that adheres to modern web standards. This ensures our websites are fast, secure, easy to maintain, and optimized for SEO, enhancing your online presence.


User Experience
Interaction Design
Digital Branding
Webflow Development


Marketing assets

Wether it's for being more efficient or convey your message on a consistent way, good marketing assets build trust and attract customers.

Good marketing assets position you as an authority who can be trusted. That's powerful. We ensure that your visual identity can be used throughout all digital touchpoints in an accessible and user-friendly way. Creating both your internal marketing assets like stationary, digital collateral, information documents or design systems, as well as your external marketing assets like landingspages, newsletters, information documents or whitepapers.

And in contrary to all things digital, we love to create attentive physical experiences with print. Which is a physical reminder of your brand that travels with your readers or clients.


Branded Documents
E-books & Whitepapers
Campaign Imagery
Printed Media